AJ had her 2-month appointment on Monday, which included her first round of vaccinations, and was super tired/cranky for a few days afterward (and ran a mildly alarming fever all day Tuesday, although it was really only alarming because I am a spaz; our doctor* warned us that many babies do run a fever after immunizations). So there weren't really any cute pictures to share.
I should note, however, that she is doing an excellent job with the growing. Her 2-month stats:
Weight: 11 lb, 3 oz
Height: 23"
Head circumference: 15.16"
I mainly pay attention to the WHO growth charts rather than the CDC ones, because AJ is exclusively breastfed, so the WHO growth charts provide a better comparison. (The nutritional content of breast milk is pretty steady regardless of maternal nutrition, although dehydration reduces supply.) According to the WHO charts, AJ's percentiles are:
Weight: 42nd %
Height: 68th %
Head Cir.: 53rd %
This is the first time we've had a head circumference measurement. At birth she was in the 55th percentile for weight, which dropped into the high 30s for the first couple of weeks. Her weight percentile is now holding steady from when she was a month old (she didn't actually have an appointment, but I did, so I got them to weigh her)--like, exactly; at 9lb, 4oz, she was in the 42nd percentile at one month.
Her height has increased dramatically, though. At birth she was 18.5" long, which put in her in the
12th percentile, so it seems like a pretty big jump. Of course, a pre-med friend tells me that she's heard infant height is a poor predictor for adult height, which makes sense to me; I was the tallest kid in my class up through the 4th grade and now look at me. Students would do double-takes when they spotted me outside of class, wearing flats (my current batch of students has been aware that I was short from the beginning, since when they first met me I was 38 weeks pregnant and not exactly sporting any cute heels).
Most of her 0-3 month clothes now fit perfectly--the 6-month stuff is still too big, but I'm guessing she'll need mostly 6/9-month sizes for the summer.
Here she is a couple of days ago getting ready to go for a walk in her stroller, wearing a Carter's footed sleeper (size 3mo) from my old friend Marcus & his wife, a hat that her Auntie Hannie made (it's the Thursday hat from a complete days of the week set), and a fleece blanket from her Great Aunt Karin:
*Yes, "our doctor"; he is AJ's pediatrician as well as my GP. He is the only doctor in the world whom I currently trust.