Monday, May 7, 2012

AJ's second laugh!

(And her third, fourth, and possibly fifth...)

AJ has been making sort of happy gibbering sounds mixed with heavy breathing for a couple of weeks now, but this afternoon playing with Daddy, she produced what I think was her first actual laugh.  I grabbed the camera and captured some subsequent laughter, although I think the first, undocumented laugh was probably the loudest (as you can see here, Daddy basically gets diminishing laughter returns as he goes--apparently she is sophisticated in her sense of humor):

You can't see it here, of course, but I think she has also developed a dimple on her right cheek!  I noticed it when we went for a walk after this and she was grinning up at us from the stroller.  I'm stoked--I was a little bummed that she looked so much like Don yet didn't have dimples, but I guess they take awhile to develop (makes sense; the cheeks fill out a lot).

She's also drooling a TON lately, as you can see in this photo from tummy time:


Apparently this might be related to teething, though it's still unlikely that we'll see teeth before around six months (thank god).  But anyway, it's pretty common for 3-month-olds to start drooling a lot.  Time to dig out all those bibs...

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