Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Back! With interesting photos of the Forevertron.

Deb reminds me that it's been over three weeks since our last post.  AJ has not been sleeping for more than about 40 minutes at a time during the day, which has really cut into my ability to do pretty much anything.  We're hopeful that this will turn around soon--at least, we have amassed a small library of used books about baby sleep, including the ambitiously titled The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems.  Probably the author meant "baby-related problems," but still.

The nursing strike seems to be mostly over (knock on wood).  It lasted, all told, almost exactly a month.  I made no progress whatsoever on ending it until last week, when I decided to ignore the people at the Lactation Clinic, and then it was basically finished overnight.  Lesson learned.

We haven't been out much because of the nursing strike*, but right before Memorial Day/WisCon**, we did have a nice visit to the Forevertron a couple of weeks ago with some friends from near and far.  AJ enjoyed being out and about in the front carrier, although I'm not sure she really appreciates art yet. (Forevertron is a big steampunk sculpture garden near Baraboo, WI.)

The central group of sculptures.

Don & AJ command the troops.

Don, AJ, and Chris

Don & AJ pilot the death ray.


Giant metal spider!

Froggy band.

Sun hat from Gramma B.

*Let me just say that I hate this practice of referring to babies refusing to do things (eat, nap, etc.) as "strikes."  A strike is a negotiating tool, and babies do not negotiate.  They can barely express their demands.

**The world's first and largest feminist science fiction convention, which convenes in Madison every year over Memorial Day weekend.

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