She'd actually already been sitting a little bit on the floor (for very short periods), but I put her on the quilt because she kept toppling over and I was hoping to provide a marginally softer landing. Dee Dee the Dragon held her attention for a few seconds.
Looking to the side may have been her undoing.
...And then she toppled over.
But she seemed unfazed!
You may also notice the giant bib she's wearing despite the lack of any other clothing (it being hot as balls in Wisconsin once again). She's started teething--while the teeth do not seem like their appearance will be SUPER imminent, she is basically a drool fountain and they're definitely causing her some pain.
We got two packs of these Carter's teething bibs from Great Aunt Sue and were overjoyed, because they're not just bigger than the bibs we had--they also snap instead of velcro, which AJ had recently learned that she can yank right off if she's feeling sufficiently Hulkish. We ended up having to pick up two more packs at Target just so I'm not washing them twice a day, though. She soaks those suckers impressively quickly.
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