Saturday, March 31, 2012

"The curdled milk song"

Last week Don was out of town on business. He came home with this cat puppet for AJ, which he initially referred to by the brand on its tag, but eventually christened "Aguirre," based on my mother's facetious claim that my first words were "Aguirre, wrath of God" (the "wrath of God" part, she concedes, was somewhat garbled).

Anyway, Aguirre likes to sing little songs, apparently.

On a related note, I tasted breast milk that had gone off this morning, and it definitely made me sad.  It was reassuring to know that there was absolutely no question about it, at least.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fashion Friday: Weeks 8 & 9

I'm backdating this post a day so that it makes sense to call it anything Friday. Next week I hope to be more on top of things.


Zebra footed fleece from Carter's, courtesy of Gramma B. I have to admit, I'm a little glad it got cold again, since she was finally big enough to wear it. Also, I had to take her to campus the day this was taken--all the students thought it was adorable.


Diaper fashion: Fuzzibunz limited edition daisies diaper. I wish they did more prints, but apparently they only do them as LE, so these have been unavailable for awhile now. We only got this one thanks to my friend Crystal, who got us a few gently used Fuzzibunz to round out our diaper stash.

(Okay, so I've actually already posted that picture once, but it's a REALLY good photo.)


Horizontal stripes are very fetching on babies. You can't see it here, but this onesie from Mama Lu has a little green stegosaurus silhouette on the breast. AJ wears it a lot.


Onesie from Target; sweat pants from Old Navy, our primary source for adorable tiny person baby clothes. The binky just happened to coordinate.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

AJ is two months old today!

DSCN3336-001 DSCN3335-001


The onesie was made at my Missouri baby shower by my friend Terri. Isn't it cute?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Music Monday: The Wind and Rain

As is fairly typical, we often swing and sway with AJ to get her to go to sleep. The first song with which we had a lot of success at this was "Didn't Leave Nobody But the Baby," which means that a song about sororicide and making musical instruments out of corpses is actually taking us in a LESS morbid direction.

Anyway, this song is an old favorite of mine, and Gillian Welch's version is slow and a bit droning, qualities that seem to work well in baby lullabies.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Babies in space!


Daddy & AJ playing on the floor Saturday morning, before Daddy had to leave on his business trip.

I finally got the Lamaze Space Symphony Motion Gym assembled yesterday.  So far, AJ really seems to enjoy it--it's good for tummy time, too, especially with that sun mirror, but you get more interesting video when she's on her back.  The way the arches sway back and forth is seriously trippy, so I'm glad she likes it.

It's not really very audible in the iPhone footage, but the gym also plays the least irritating music of any baby item we own by FAR.

...Apparently when I talk to her I sound like a complete idiot, but at least I'm using real words.

I can't believe she's already fitting into her 0-6-month size "chicks dig me" onesie.  It looked so huge when it arrived from Zulily!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Baby bath time

AJ likes bath time okay--so far we've been bathing her about once a week in the tub with me.  (We have a cool baby bath tub, but are waiting for her to get neck control to use it.)  But what she REALLY likes is being wrapped up in a hooded baby towel after the bath.

~5 weeks

~7 weeks (her father lives in fear that she will poop ALL OVER EVERYTHING, so he stuck that diaper back on her as fast as humanly possible--I'm trying to break him of this)

~7 weeks

We use Burt's Bees Baby Shampoo & Wash. I like how it smells, and it seems to work fine and not cause any problems.

Looking at these photos, it's kind of amazing how much bigger and more expressive she looks just two weeks later.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


My parents came to visit last weekend and we were finally able to document some of AJ's social smiles with Mama Lu and Big Allen:



She also smirks:


Yesterday I swear she spent like two minutes making a toothless baby trollface at me before accepting her binky and going to sleep.

Lately it seems like, when she's over-tired and freaking out about it, she needs to be swaddled and then just stuck in her bassinet.  If I try to sway with her, she doesn't settle down, but if I wrap her up and put her in the bassinet with the binky, she pretty quickly sacks out.  I feel weirdly guilty about it, like I should be doing more, even though doing more demonstrably doesn't work and it's not like I'm leaving her crying.

She's making a lot of noises now--even her cries are more varied, but obviously I prefer the cooing and gurgling and whatnot when she's not having a meltdown about something.  She also seems to tolerate tummy time longer, and can move around a bit more.  Here she is on the quilt that her Gramma B. made her, with Dee Dee the Dragon:


AND, she's interested in looking around now (and has developed her eyeballs to the point that she can actually see things, I assume), so she's gotten into assisted sitting. Sometimes when she's fussing, she just wants to be positioned so that she's sitting with us but has a good view of the room. Maybe she just doesn't want her back to the door.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It's probably time we moved this off Facebook.

People are no doubt rolling their eyes.  Or maybe they've already hidden me on their newsfeeds, in which case I might as well keep posting baby pictures, but I kept meaning to start a separate blog about baby stuff anyway so here we are.


This outfit is cute, but cursed.  Shortly after this photo was taken, she leaked pee out her diaper and all over it.  I put it on her again this morning and discovered after lecture--when I was thrilled that she had actually slept through the whole 50 minutes and I got to stay in the lecture hall instead of retreating to the "mother's room" off the 5th floor bathroom as I've had to do every other day I've been in lecture--that she had spent that 50 minutes marinating in poop, which had blown out the top of her diaper and all the way up her chest, where it soaked through the outfit.

At least the front pack carrier goes up high enough that I didn't get poop on my shirt.  Although I should probably take this as a warning and stash a clean teaching-appropriate top in my office.


She takes after the old lady.  If you ever want to mortify my mother, ask her about taking me to register for kindergarten.  It's been 25 years and she still feels responsible for me flashing the secretary.  I was not a fan of underwear.

She really does smile, I swear to god.  Fairly frequently, even.  But good luck documenting it.