This outfit is cute, but cursed. Shortly after this photo was taken, she leaked pee out her diaper and all over it. I put it on her again this morning and discovered after lecture--when I was thrilled that she had actually slept through the whole 50 minutes and I got to stay in the lecture hall instead of retreating to the "mother's room" off the 5th floor bathroom as I've had to do every other day I've been in lecture--that she had spent that 50 minutes marinating in poop, which had blown out the top of her diaper and all the way up her chest, where it soaked through the outfit.
At least the front pack carrier goes up high enough that I didn't get poop on my shirt. Although I should probably take this as a warning and stash a clean teaching-appropriate top in my office.
She takes after the old lady. If you ever want to mortify my mother, ask her about taking me to register for kindergarten. It's been 25 years and she still feels responsible for me flashing the secretary. I was not a fan of underwear.
She really does smile, I swear to god. Fairly frequently, even. But good luck documenting it.
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