She also smirks:
Yesterday I swear she spent like two minutes making a toothless baby trollface at me before accepting her binky and going to sleep.
Lately it seems like, when she's over-tired and freaking out about it, she needs to be swaddled and then just stuck in her bassinet. If I try to sway with her, she doesn't settle down, but if I wrap her up and put her in the bassinet with the binky, she pretty quickly sacks out. I feel weirdly guilty about it, like I should be doing more, even though doing more demonstrably doesn't work and it's not like I'm leaving her crying.
She's making a lot of noises now--even her cries are more varied, but obviously I prefer the cooing and gurgling and whatnot when she's not having a meltdown about something. She also seems to tolerate tummy time longer, and can move around a bit more. Here she is on the quilt that her Gramma B. made her, with Dee Dee the Dragon:
AND, she's interested in looking around now (and has developed her eyeballs to the point that she can actually see things, I assume), so she's gotten into assisted sitting. Sometimes when she's fussing, she just wants to be positioned so that she's sitting with us but has a good view of the room. Maybe she just doesn't want her back to the door.
She's such a cute little baby! That picture of her smiling at your mom is just precious!